Saturday, July 12, 2003

ooooooookay this stupid shit with Bill is just that: STUPID. DROP IT EVERYBODY YEA? We've got BETTER things to do with our time! Hahaha, at least I do. This really turned away from the joke it used to I apologize for any misunderstandings again, I never meant anything in a malicious way because, let's face it, I don't give enough of a shit to be angry. I just think this is STUPID. AAAANYWAYS. The gig tonight was nice, thank you Barry for playing for me tonight, that was very very nice of you. And you did wonderfully! Lizzie, thanks for inviting me, I had a great time, the food was wonderful. I got these awesome ass earrings at the mall today that I wore with my black dress...mmmm mm MM. They're really pretty. Christina did my hair tonight too. I must say I really liked the way I looked :). I still need to lose a couple inches, but I really am starting to be pleased with my figure at the present time. Did you know that I've lost 20 pounds since Decemeber? I mean, that's pretty good if you ask me. I weighed 165 when I couldn't excersize because of my broken toe, and that was around Christmas...maybe even a little into January. And now I weigh between 140-145, depending on the day....I don't know what's up with that.... One day I'll be 140 the next I'll be 143, then I'll be 141, etc. Oh well, I'm in the vicinity. So I think I am going up to NYC on Wednesday to see Adam and Mara. I'm so excited! It's so...spontaneous and fun! So yea, tomorrow I'm going to see the Pirates of the Caribbean again, followed by a swing dance at Glen Echo- if you have time you should come, 3-6! It's supposedly reeeally fun. So yea, fun day tomorrow, and maybe I'll get to sleep in...a little bit...okay that's all for now, I'm in a good mood! (everybody cry for joy!)


Friday, July 11, 2003

Okay alright, sorry Bill, didn't mean to badmouth you. I only speak the truth on here. That shit about me having no life on your blog was uncalled for too ya know, so I don't see where anyone has any room to talk. Ugh, this blog is NOT a channel that I use to offend anyone, to talk bad about anyone...etc. The fact is, I speak what's on my mind when I write on my blog. That's all, that's it. No big secret here. And may I also point out Bill that when I had good stuff to say about you, I said it too. Notice how through all of this I still wanna be your friend, you know why? Cuz I think you're cool! I think you're fun to hang out with! I enjoy spending time with you! Does that sound like badmouthing to you? Just to clarify, the reason I said "Thank you Bill" was because you made that comment about me posting on my blog every day. K? Just to set the record straight. I felt like a fucking loser. But that's not why I feel fat and unattractive. I feel fat and unattractive because I didn't go to the gym today and I ate more than I wanted to because Christina was over. That's why I feel like shit today. And also I'm really tired. And also I've got too many things to do, like cut the grass, I still haven't gotten to the bank, I still haven't finished all my thank you notes, I'm rehearsing with Barry for the gig tomorrow, I'm seeing Mara because it's her only day in Rockville until the middle of August, then I actually HAVE the gig from 6-12! So you see, lots of stress in one day, not excersizing, having to look good in a tight black dress while I entertain. Can you see why I might be a little off today? So sorry if I offended you, sorry if I made you look bad, but honestly I just wrote what I felt, and I should be allowed to do that. If you don't like what you read, then don't read it. You can tell me if it bothers you, but if you do something that I don't like, and I feel like sharing, I'm gonna. Because this is very theraputic for me, to sit down and write out my feelings. I don't care if people read this, it's nice if they do. But when it comes down to it, it's just me sitting down at the computer laying out how I feel about issues that are happening right now. I'm recording my life. Because I think it's fun. If you're not okay with that....sorry.

On a seperate note, I was a complete bum today and didn't get any shit done. To make matters worse, I ate a lot. And now I feel fatter than ever. And i didn't go to the gym. After Christina left I practiced flute, talked to Carly for about 2 hours on the phone (I love that girl) looked at pictures from my recital, practiced flute some more, went to counseling, and came home and watched TV. Oh yea, and I wrote some thank you notes. Mr. Frezzo's and Ms. Krebs' were really hard to write. I hope they like them. Hey guys, you wanna see my cousin? Go here and look for the blond with gorgeous blue eyes. That's her. Guess how old she is? Leave a comment as to your guess...I'm really interested to see what people think. Okay, that's all for today, i think I've stirred enough up. Christina might be coming over later, but I'm just SO tired I don't know how I'm gonna deal. Oh, and my cousins from Italy just randomly showed up at our house during dinner tonight. They're still here. I'm in here hiding from them because I don't know why but I'm REALLY antisocial right now. This will pass, never fear. Oh yea, i'm seeing Mehrnoush tonight. That'll be fun :) And hey, for all of you who care, Bill is a nice guy! look at me not badmouthing him! (good?)


I feel like shit today. It's one of those days. Ugh. I feel fat and unattractive, and I feel like I have no life, THANK YOU BILL. Honestly sometimes I really don't have anything to do. I don't have a job cuz my parents gave me money so I wouldn't have to get one. I don't have homework, I don't have school. It's not that I don't have friends, Christina just left, Pam's in Ohio, Mara's in NYC, etc. I just don't know what to do at the moment. I mean, there's stuff I need to do, like write thank you notes, and take checks to the bank...practice flute. I think I will practice flute. I've gotta practice for tomorrow's gig too. But I still feel like I have no life. I think I should go to the gym today. Christina's such a bad influence on me, whenever she's here I eat like a frickin pig. Like usually, every morning, I have Slimfast drink...that's it, that's all I need, it fills me up. With Christina here this morning, I drink my Slimfast, then I had a few peanut butter crackers, then I had some Craisins, I think I had something else too, while she ate a veggie burger and crackers and talked about making a fruit and whipped cream sponge cake. I had to resist resist resist! AND she wanted to go to McDonalds for pancakes! UGH! What am I supposed to do, I don't have willpower that strong. Now I feel really really fat and I need to go to the gym. It's so hot and gross outside. Yech. And now it's raining outside. God what a horrid day. And all those quizzes that I took last night, I feel like a loser for taking them! Loser Loser Loser. Lara is a Loser. Jeezus. Okay, plan for today, practice flute, go to gym, write thank you notes, take checks to bank, go to counseling, feel better about self- report back tonight. Okay, will do

Thug Bear
Thug Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

This is Christina, not me. This is funny as shit yo. And i'm SO WHITE

Alright, bill loses. He took the thing off. I win yall thanks for playin ;)


Thursday, July 10, 2003

Hey, and while you're at it....get all your friends to comment too- bill said this is war....let it be WAR!!! :)

Okay I want you all to go look at Bill Reid's stupid blog and see what he says about me having no life. I explained already why I choose to update my blog regularly, it's because I talk to people all the time who read my blog for entertainment. And I like writing in my blog! It's not like I don't have things to do, but I'm a writing type of person, I like to convey things through the written...typed...word. So screw you if you say I have no life. Cuz I do. At least I can walk...and I'm going to COLLEGE. Unlike some people who I know....I mean I swear, I do nothing but stick up for that boy, nonstop, and what do I get? Nuthin but shit man, nuthin but shit. COLLEGE I LOVE YOU I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU. Oh, btw I got a new cell phone, I would appreciate if you all called it and told me how much of a life I have, just to make sure. (301)980-7541. And, if you are so inclined, leave a comment on bill's blog saying how you don't appreciate how he thinks of me. :) I would like that very much. THANK YOU GUYYSSSSS


I see the world in Pink
You see the world in bright pink. The world is a
happy, happy place! You love all people and
things!! Life is great! You're just like a
happy child. Spread the cheer.

Made by

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

ha, pink. I bet you i don't see it pink all the time. Mmm...Christina should be over here soon. Lets hope....god I'm SO BORED

You will die young, doing something daring.  Your death will be tragic.  Sorry.
Young. Really young. I'd say anywhere from 15-35.
But you'll go out with a bang. You'll get in a
car accident or be shot. You'll never have to
see yourself get old. Sad though. Really sad.
By the way, its common knowledge that more
people with great goals and aspirations die
young. And if you want to die old, you'll die
young and vice versa.

At what age will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm really getting tired of these damn quizzes.

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow I never knew!!

You are GILL!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm SO BORED. I think I'm gonna take a lot more. BORED. BORED BORED BORED. AHHHH

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

Well I don't see this as completely you?

Anyways, Pirates of the Caribbean was aaaaamazing and Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were HOT AS HELL. The fight scenes were cool, the plot was okay, and Johnny Depp was having the time of his LIFE with that role! Captain Jack Sparrow, yessirree- show me a person who wants to go see that movie and I will go with them, no questions asked! I watched The Music Man today too because Adam was the lead in it, and I've actually never seen the musical. I felt kinda stupid cuz he knew about Dolly, so I decided to watch it so that I know what i'm talking about now. I had forgotten that "Goodnight My Someone" and "Till There Was You" were in that musical! I lovvvvve those songs!!! I'm always humming Goodnight My Someone, I think it's gorgeous. Okay, so I'll write more tomorrow, nothing really to report. God, I wonder how many people actually read about my life. I just write so much cuz when I'm online I get really bored really fast and this is something I can multi-task with while talking to all the people on IM. So yea, that was my day! I might be going up to New York next Wednesday and Thursday to see Mara/Adam...depending on whether Mara's aunt lets me crash at her flat. Hopefully that will work out. I'm babysitting Atalya tomorrow morning, so I think I'm going to bed now....then I've got a flute lesson and maybe have to cut the grass. Whew. Long day. Hahahaha, right, maybe for me...who doesn't have to work or learn or any useful stuff like that ;)


oh my god I am so proud of myself! I just rode my bike to Regal to buy Pirates tickets, then I went to RM and ran a half mile on the track, stopped by at 7-11 and got a slurpee cuz I couldn't bring water on my bike, and then rode allll the way home! Pretty much without stopping, I mean I only stopped that once to actually buy the tickets. I shape. Well kinda, I'm pretty tired now. I wish I could go to the pool. That's tomorrow! Pool tomorrow! yessssss!!! And maybe I'll actually look good in my two piece ;). I gotta go do my ab workouts now- haha you should see me, I'm just walking around the house in a sports bra and shorts. hehehe, thank god my neighbors are gone on vacation. I'll write a critique of the movie later


well, it doesn't look to be centered...oh well...but I got links to work! Check it yo! I feel all slick and stuff!!!

This is the bridge of faith...hopefully it looks all centered and stuff, i think I did the little align thing right...yea, anyways...this is what the stained glass thing looks like. I'm going to see Pirates of the Caribbean (sp?) Today with Christina! This is craziness! SOOO many movies in so little time! Christina called me at fricken 8:45 this morning and I was about to have a fit. And then she came over at 9:45...I'm soooo tired. Oh well, I'll get more sleep tonight I'm sure. I'm going crabbing on Monday! Mmmmm crabs.

Okay, i don't know what happened to my backblog comments, but I got new hopefully they work. Like the new template?

My comments are GONE!!! Where did they go?!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Okay I'm sorry but that ump was just damn INSANE. I mean, I'm one to respect umps but he was just OUT there! He yelled at the pitcher because the kid had a nervous habit of putting his hand up to his mouth. WTF. Anyways, we lost, but only by 2 runs that were made in the LAST inning of the game. Ohhhh well, it was INNNtense yo. Okay, so I saw 28 Days Later today. Umm, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The guy was actually cute once he shaved off that beard. ;) . Anyways, if anyone likes lots of gore and an okay plot with lots of white knuckle action, go for it! I don't recommend paying more than 6 bucks for it tho. I forget what else I did today. So. Yea. I am SO tired and I just can't figure out why!! I slept for more than 12 hours last night....but yet I'm still really wiped out. Meh, I'll always go for more sleep. Had some weird dreams last night, something about archeology...but I was being chased...and then I got detention from this really bitchy teacher at a basketball game because she sat in a seat that was supposed to be someone elses and I yelled at her. Then I had to go play basketball and for the life of me I couldn't get the ball high enough to go in the basket. I don't know what any of that means...oh well. Okay I think that's all I'm gonna write for tonight. Yea, okay


DAMN straight! thanks Bill...for final getting me the picture, and for showing me how to do that. I'll put the Bridge of Faith up soon too. Okay, so for all of you who don't know, that's Bill, the guy I went to prom with, and that's the prom picture! Funny story about that rose pinned to Bill's lapel- the fact that I couldn't do it at ALL, but now I know how, like a pro! I'm going to my cousin Jimmy's baseball game tonight- if they win a few more they get to go to NY!!! isn't that insane?! Alright, I'll write more later, thanks again bill


whatcha....did it work?

OMG I'm the happiest girl in the world yo! I just went and bought this stained glass painting of "The Bridge of Faith" by Thomas Kinkade (sp?) that I've been drooling over for about a year and a half now. It's my FAVORITE painting ever! If I show it to you, I think you'll agree that it's amazingly gorgeous. Just look it up online or something, I'd put it on here but Bill hasn't showed me how to do this stuff yet. So yea, that was definitely 160 bucks on sale. Whew. Happy College to Lara. I hope my roommate doesn't mind a huge ass stained glass thing in the window. If she does I'll just have to....beat her over the head, then hang it up real fast and see if she notices. Yeaaaa, that's the ticket. AND i got some really cute Victoria's Secret underwear. They were having such an awesome sale! I swear I don't spend this much money on a normal basis- I haven't gone shopping in a whiiile. I went to the gym today....ran an 8:25 MILE! I can't believe it! Best time yet! God I get so distracted when i'm writing these things- i think i started at like eleven. Jeez. Okay i'm going to bed now. Yea, that's it, bed


Monday, July 07, 2003

hey! Everybody! Come to Swing/Ballroom dancing on Sunday from 3-6 (3-3:30 lesson, 3:30-6 dance). This Sunday. Bring guys. It'll be fun, I swear! I don't know where it is, ask Dena. That's her blog, there should be information on it. So Bill's gonna show me how to put pictures on my blog soon. That would be fun i think. Oh, and by the way my dad didn't read this, that was Ersin being stupid. Hmph. HmPH. I'll write more later ;)


since when did my dad read my blog? hmph, didn't know he knew about it....oh well, nothing on here I don't mind him seeing I guess...

hahaha, that doesn't sound like me at all! That "need to be protected vibe"? PAH. :)

hey, look, I'm naive, didja know?!

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

OKAY, so I'm a movie freak. Saw Hudsucker Proxy today with Ersin (I've already seen the movie like 5 times, I guess it still counts that I watched it tho) and then I watched Coal Miner's Daughter with my parents. That is a REALLY good movie. You know what I wanna do? I wanna just rent loads of classic movies and watch them all, see where modern films got all their ideas. Don't you think that'd be cool? I think that'd be cool. Well today was just wonderful. Went to the mall with Ersin, and it was sooooo hilarious. First we went underwear shopping (I wanted to test him out, he said he had gone shopping for bras and underwear with girls before and that he could handle it) at Hetchs, I got myself 3 new pairs of purdy underwear. Next stop was Victoria's Secret, where I am proud to say Ersin picked out the 2 bras that I ended up buying. That kid's got talent. He looked really REALLY funny standing in Victoria's Secret without me tho....I don't think he wanted to move, he thought things would bite him. AFTER that, we went to Icing to pick out earrings (I went a little overboard, bought 2 pairs, and then 4 of those sheets that have 6 pairs on each sheet) and I got some hair clips too. YAY! HAIR CLIPS! I've needed some for a while now. After THAT, we went to Bath and Body Works because I thought I needed new shower gel (turns out I don't...oh well, got some REALLY GOOD stuff) It's called Coconut Lime somethingorother and it's reeeeeally reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally good. I got all the forms of it cuz they were having a sale- the body wash, lotion stuff, spray, bubble bath! I can't wait for the bubble bath. :) That was it for my purchases- we went to Cal Tor, I had a Honey Lime burrito (I was totally in the lime mood today, i don't know why) and we came to my house and watched Hudsucker Proxy. That movie is SUCH a blast. I really enjoy it every time I see it, it never gets old. Leave it to the Cohen Brothers. Anyways, it's taken me over an hour to write this damn thing because I keep getting distracted. Well, I actually took a rather long break from it to talk to Adam on the phone. At midnight. Uh huh, I'm just a night owl I am. And he flaked out before I did! I think I might be going biking tomorrow. HAAAAhahahaha we'll see just how long I last with 6 hours of sleep. mmm, sleep


Sunday, July 06, 2003

Continuing this weekend's movie marathon, I watched Taxi Driver on HBO last night. What a disturbing movie! At midnight I was talking to Mehrnoush online and she said I should come spend the night so I did, and I ended up watching Taxi Driver while the rest of her family slept. I really couldn't just fall asleep and miss the end of that movie. For all of you who think you don't know what movie Taxi Driver is, you do- "You talkin'a me? You talkin'a me?! I don't see nobody else here..." Yea, that's where that came from! The best part is that Robert De Niro came up with that scene himself- he improved it. Amazing actor isn't he? He and Scorsese really did some work together. They also did GoodFellas and Casino. They are QUITE a pair. Scorsese is actually IN Taxi Driver, he plays one of the random characters in the cab. Yea, so, I suggest you see Taxi Driver if you want to be utterly shocked out of your skin. It really makes you respect De Niro as an actor. As a matter of fact, I already respected De Niro as an actor, but it made me love him even more :) Yea, sleepover at Mehrnoush's house last night was really funny, cuz all I really did was sleep! I mean I must have talked to her for like 10 minutes tops. Her cousins came over and they bought her new clothes- "ladylike" clothes as they would call them. She looks hot! She's actually wearing stuff that shows off what she got yo. AND she went clubbing the other night! Mehrnoush! Clubbing! Hahaha I love it. Apparently she liked it okay, but one guy was all up on her till her cousin came up- big guy- and the guy who was up on Mehrnoush shook his hand, apologized, and left! hahah i love it. I don't think I'll enjoy clubs. I don't go for the meeting random people and dancing with them thing. I guess it would be fun with my friends, but not if I didn't know anyone. Okay I gotta go pick Ersin up for a fun ass day at Tysons- then after that Mehrnoush and I are actually gonna hang out when we're NOT unconscious (sp?). Write more laaaaaater