okay guys, 1 down 3 to go, right Kathryn? Go Ithacappella and Voicestream, knock socks off! Yay for Hope being the coolest girl ever! Better days, better nights- and remember folks....
Thank you VERY much Mr. President, and goodnight.
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
okay guys, 1 down 3 to go, right Kathryn? Go Ithacappella and Voicestream, knock socks off! Yay for Hope being the coolest girl ever! Better days, better nights- and remember folks....
so I hate boys. All boys. Especially boys who think that physicality doesn't have any emotional repercussions. Because that's just dumb. Boys are JUST DUMB AND I WISH I WASN'T ATTRACTED TO BOYS- i'd be a lot happier if i could just like girls. Well actually, girls can be pretty horrible too as I've found out. Maybe it's just college that's so evil. Stupid college. Stupid college breaking lara's nice ideals about everything, and stupid college in which people LIE TO YOU because I can't STAND when people lie to me, it's the worst insult someone could give me. Good job.
ouch, shot down. ;) I didn't know Maryland was doing the computerized voting this time around- that really sucks majorly. How many states are doing that, all of them? Because that really makes me rather sad. So I watched the debates and now i'm completely dead set against Bush even being allowed into the COUNTRY next term, much less elected again. He really knows how to piss me off. And i was impressed that Kerry spoke so elequently, kind of restored my faith in him somewhat, especially when all Bush could do was rattle off the exact same phrase ("what kind of messages are you sending the troops? Wrong war wrong place wrong time. With these mixed messages we'll never win this war...") and say stuff like "The only thing consistant about Kerry's position is....uhh...inconsistancy". Now THAT is a great comeback, got to take note of that one. In other news the choral collage was great and my solo went okay besides the fact that i started in a different key. It was acappella, and he played the pitch pipe- i heard the note, then i guess decided to start a wholestep above that. Nobody noticed except for the kid with perfect pitch in the group. Woman's Chorale brought down the house, got a standing ovation in the middle of the concert. Yay for good spirituals! Upcoming stuff- Premium Blend concert on Wednesday in Ford, it's FREE. On this coming Saturday at 7 in Emerson VoiceStream will be performing, and then at 9 Ithacappella will be performing in Ford, again for FREE. So anyone who loves acappella should commmeeeeee. I gotta go take a shower before class now, yay for me. Byeeeeee
i'm sick of people saying that i have to vote for Kerry, because i don't like him. Don't get me wrong, if bush is president again i'm moving to Ireland for good, no joke, but i don't like Kerry. I don't think he's much better than Bush honestly, (make note that i said not MUCH better, i definitely believe that he is). But if you take a second and read where he stands on some things...like homeland security for instance. Kerry supports homeland security and the "Patriot Act". wtf. I can't agree with a man who believes the government should be allowed to detain any number of people for an indetermined amount of time without telling them or their families WHY they're being detained. They can just pick you up off the street because they don't like your face and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it! And our hero Kerry thinks that's a dandy idea. It depresses me. But what REALLY pisses me off are the people who tell me if i vote for Nader i'm basically voting for bush. Because it's not true. Totally not true. Maryland, my friends, is a democratic state. Always has been, and if we go republican this election i'll just have to put a gun to my head, so i really don't think it's going to happen. Which means, because of our fucked up electoral system, it doesn't really matter who i vote for as long as i don't vote for bush. So who gives a shit whether I vote for Kerry or Nader, or MICKEY MOUSE. WHY is it such a big deal and WHY do people give me so much shit for my parents voting for Nader last year?! MARYLAND WENT DEMOCRATIC. Which means NO, my parents did NOT put bush in office. And the next person who tells me that i'm just going to scream at, because i've had enough. I've had enough of all this political bullshit from people who just don't get the electoral system. Yea, i agree, our system is way fucked up. Our votes should all count, every single one of them, but they don't. I AM going to vote, i just don't want everyone to continually pressure me to vote for Kerry, because it's NOT A CRIME IF I DON'T. I have a choice here, and i should be able to make it with a free conscience. If anyone cares to rip me about that, feel free to do it right here, i'll definitely write a rebuttle. Because i'm SICK and TIRED of all the bullshit. This is SUPPOSED to be a democracy right?
wanna see pictures of ithacappella? I certainly took plenty- this was at Applefest on Saturday. For all you ithacans, they have a FREE concert coming up on this Saturday the 9th in Ford Hall at 9 PM (Voicestream at 7 PM, they are also amazing). You ALL should come see it!!